Saturday, July 28, 2007

in progress

Here are two shots of my baby-dress-in-progress. It's for a colleague of sorts who had her first baby at the end of June. I have been trying to finish the cardigan

for sometime now, but I am a little worried it's too small and I need to block it. So I haven't taken the time to pick up stitches and rib the last touches.

I would love to make some coffee and keep knitting, but I really need to clean my room before GS comes to help me paint. I got a lot done last night while watching "Notes on a Scandal." Coming home last night, I thought I was back in Louisiana, the humidity was so bad in my apartment. Granted, people were cooking and there were more folks than usual in the apartment. My mom called this morning to ask me about some Built By Wendy Simplicity sewing patterns that I wanted. JoAnns was having a sale and these projects are exactly what I want to work on next week when I'm in North Carolina. I want to definitively learn how to sew next week. Someday I'll have enough space to have a craft room where a sewing machine will live and I can organize my yarn. I'll have a nice table for cutting things and for painting and sketching.

Someday, someday. For now, I'm here in NYC, running around, cramming too many things and people into one day. It's just not yet time for craft rooms, porches.


Blogger clindsay said...

The cardigan is lovely!!!

Wed Aug 01, 09:48:00 PM  

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