Sunday, May 20, 2007

Hillary's plan for the Gulf Coast

While cleaning my room earlier today, I played my dvd (yes, I own this) of "The War Room" (oh and I bought it at Target... I love Brooklyn). So maybe I have a bias towards Hillary Clinton. I'll be honest about it. I met her when I was 13 years old and was blown away by her kindness. Yes, her kindness. Her being a fellow Seven Sisters grad also doesn't hurt in terms of winning over my affection. But I am trying to gather as much info as possible about all of the Democratic candidates. As much as I have a innate bias towards the idea of the first American female president, I also would like to see something done on a federal level to aid the Gulf Coast region, but particularly New Orleans, and the London Avenue Canal Levee (which I can personally thank for destroying my house).

In that spirit, I wanted to bring Hillary's Gulf Coast agenda to your attention. There will be a quiz later this week (kidding, but seriously check it out. Let's hope everyone else steps up to the mat and starts talking more about NOLA).


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